About Us
We are Farmers
We are a modern farming family that works and lives in Saksun all year round. To us the village of Saksun is more than a beautiful place. This is home.
Our Vision
The old farm of Dúvugarðar, with its cultural heritage, is our pride and joy. Our vision is to bring back the true spirit of a farmer´s lifestyle in the heritage farm of Dúvugarðar in the 18th century.
Our Mission
Our ambition is to rebuild the historic buildings, the stone fences, the angelica garden and more. We want to bring the history back to life in the heritage farm of Dúvugarðar and to give you an opportunity to experience it.
We Need Your Help
This project started in 2024 and is an ongoing restoration and preservation of the entire heritage farm. By visiting Dúvugarðar, you are bringing history back to life. We thank you for any contribution.